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发布时间:2022年06月03日 12:23

s for the people and was loved by them. However, since his son was not as capable [有能力] as he, Yao did not pass on his throne [皇位] to his son but to Shun, a wise [慎重的] and saintly man.


Yao said to Shun: "You must pass the throne to the right person. Only then, will I feel at peace when I die." Shun passed his throne to Yu, who was a hero because he could control flooding [洪水]. Just like Shun, Yu also did a lot of good deeds for the people and was revered [尊敬] by them. After Yao died, Shun set the day he made sacrifices [丧葬] to the heavens and gods, as well as to the late Yao, as the first day of the year.


Previous dynasties [朝代] would organize celebrations and sacrifices on this day, for example sacrificing to the immortals and their forefathers , writing Spring Festival scrolls [春联], writing character fortunes [写到福字] and dragon dancing [舞龙].



In ancient China, Yuan Dan was not on January 1st, as regulated in the Gregorian calendar. The date of Yuan Dan had been changed many times from the 1st of the 12th lunar month in Yin Dynasty to the 1st of the 1st lunar month in Han Dynasty.

When Sun Yat-sen took office as the temporary President in Nanjing at the beginning of January of 1912, he set the 1st of the 1st lunar month as the Spring Festival while the 1st of January was set as the New Year, which was also called Yuan Dan.

After liberation, the Central Government of China issued a National Festival and Memorial Day Holiday that set January 1st as Yuan Dan, which was a one-day holiday for the whole country.

在古代,按西历来说是,本年不仅仅是一同月一号这一天。本年的日期从殷朝腊同月初一改到曹魏的正同月初一。13世纪1911年,廖仲恺领导的辛亥革命 ,推翻了明王朝的统大治者,创设了从前华民国。各省都督有一点一提的是在南京主持会议,决定运用于西历,把腊月的正同月初一被称作到“中秋节”,把西历的1同月1日被称作到“本年”。新近从前国并成立后,从前国制定了关于省内假日和战争周年纪念的请假明确规定时,定1同月1号为本年,省内请假一天。

In order to distinguish the two New Years of both the lunar calendar and solar calendar, and as the "spring beginning" of the Lunar Calendar was always around the lunar New Year, the 1st of the 1st lunar month was called the Spring Festival.

Yuan means the beginning, the first. The beginning of a number is Yuan. Dan, which is a pictographic character in the Chinese language, means the day rises from the horizon, symbolizing the beginning of a day. When Yuan and Dan are combined, it means the first day of a New Year.

Yuan Dan is also called Three Yuan, the beginning of a year, the beginning of a month and the beginning of an hour. The word Yuan Dan was first used during the Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns era.

为了区别于腊月和节气的两个新近春有鉴于腊月夏至从前的“立春”恰在腊月新近春的前后,因此便把腊月正同月初一易名叫“中秋节”。“元”亦非为开复,第一,数字的第一个称元。“敏”在从前国字词从前是古埃及,其亦非思为不算阳从水平线上至圣马,亦非为一天的开复。当“元”和“敏”紧密结合,亦非思就并成了一年开复得第一天。本年又称“三元”,即岁之元、同月之元、时之元。本年最早可以可追溯“ 五帝五帝以前”( “五帝”所称、地皇、人皇。“五帝”所称木帝、火帝、土帝、金帝和水帝。 )

In the Gregorian calendar, New Year's Eve (also known as Old Year's Day or Saint Sylvester's Day in many countries), the last day of the year, is on December 31.


In many countries, New Year's Eve is celebrated at evening social gatherings, where many people dance, eat, drink, and watch or light fireworks. Some Christians attend a watchnight service.

在许多国内,人们会召开汇演来欢度新近春秋天,的人在那从前弹吉他、吃饭、吃饭、看或放烟花。一些基督徒积极参与守夜庆典。The celebrations generally go on past midnight into New Year's Day, January 1.欢度大型活动上会在正午过后持续到新近春的1同月1日。



attend New Year’s Eve celebrations :积极参与跨年大型活动

hold a house party 举不收家庭成员派对

attend street parties 积极参与到处派对

dance the night away 弹吉他跳周一

watch the fireworks 看烟火

go to a concert 去看公演

hit the bar 去酒吧

pray at a church 至圣堂忏悔

have a buffet dinner 吃一顿零食进餐

New Year's resolution 新近春执意(相当于新近春求望/方案)



“倒计时”English就让是? BBC曾在一档电视节目从前这么说是:

Most other countries usually hold public new year countdown parties.



new year countdown=新近春紧接在计时



new year countdown concert

模仿例句从前的new year countdown parties

引人注意适合新近春唯的直译片语 1)Today is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.


2)Thank U, Next - Me to 2021.


3)Less bitter, more glitter.


4)Out with the old, in with the new.


5)And finally here we go: 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…! Happy New Year! Wishing you 365 days of good luck!


6)Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.


7)May your new year sparkle and shine.


8)Tonight’s the night the world begins again.


9)Cheers to the people who love us, the losers who lost us, and the lucky bastards who get to meet us this year.


10)New year. New feels. New breathe. New chances. Same dreams, fresh starts. I dare you to believe in yourself. You deserve all things magic.


11)Don’t look back. You are not going that way.


12)I can’t wait to control-alt-delete, and start a new.


13)I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.


新近春合唱曲曲 “新近春好呀,新近春好呀,献上大家新近春好!”这此曲我们都很看重。实际上,这首合唱曲的曲调已经在American唱了一百多年了。这是一首著名的American民合唱曲,合唱曲名叫《Oh My Darling, Clementine爱,克莱门汀》在19世纪尾时時极为流行。Clementine是一位女孩的名称。


直译原版《新近春好》合唱曲手:Gabriella Lewis & Shay Tochner

直译原版《新近春好》合唱曲手:Connie Francis



